A Management Institute has recently opened its premises in a Shopping Mall, in a suburb of Pune. It soon realizes that unlike other up-market malls, these premises leave a lot to be desired. The premises are unclean, safety and security are an issue, toilets are dirty, hawkers and locals from the slums have free access – all of which go towards creating an environment that is unpleasant and unsafe.Obviously, footfalls of genuine buyers are low, business is poor, and the offices manage with whatever facilities are there. The shopkeepers have not formed any association, the builder is not involved at all, and individually everyone complains but also has a fatalistic and pessimistic attitude about any change really happening.The situation is far from ideal for a Management Institute. The options would be either to leave and go elsewhere, or to mobilize the stakeholders and bring about a positive change in the ‘CONTEXT’ that would benefit everybody – those running their businesses in the Mall, as well as the local community.The Management Institute decides to take the initiative, confronts the problem head-on, and attempts to bring about a culture change in their environment. The process is continuing and forms the basis for an interesting case study.