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Student Development Program

Ms. Sindhu Kalyanasundaram, Leadership Trainer, Ignite Akademi, Coimbatore.
Jansons School of Business has organized a Student Development Program on ‘Professional Etiquettes for the Workplace’ on 7.5.2024.

The event aimed to prepare students for a professional environment by teaching skills like proper business attire, email and phone communication, networking, and workplace conduct.

In the interactive workshop, students practiced introductions, etiquettes, and other soft skills. The students gained invaluable knowledge about succeeding in a corporate environment. The lessons learned will give them an edge and boost their confidence in transitioning into the workforce.

The Student Development Program will become an annual tradition to bolster JSB’s career readiness initiatives. The event was facilitated by Ms.Sindhu Kalyanasundaram, Co-Founder, Sarva Happiness.