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Global Confluence

Dr. Meera Eeswaran, Ms. Shubaashnii Suppramaniam, Ms. Vinorra Shaker, APU / APIIT, Malaysia
Jansons School of Business has organized a Global Confluence on the theme ‘Digital psychology, financial technology & AI for Talent leadership’ at JSB Campus.

We are happy for hosting Dr. Meera Eeswaran, Senior Lecturer; Ms. Shubaashnii Suppramaniam, Senior Lecturer; Ms. Vinorra Shaker-Associate Head & Senior Lecturer, the delegates from Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU / APIIT), Malaysia as our resource persons for the Global Confluence.

Dr. Meera Eeswaran, has presented on Fintech, top 10 Fintech trends in 2023 and beyond. The percentage of digitally active consumers using Fintech was shared. She has highlighted the Fintech statistics, indicating that 26,300 Fintech startups had a success rate of 25%.

Ms. Subhashini Suppramanian delivered the topic “Talent Leadership Diversity and Inclusivity”. It was asserted that a leader is a person, and leadership is a process, with a discussion on the requisites for today’s leadership. The importance of diversity and inclusion in talent leadership was emphasized, and strategies for implementing diversity and inclusion in talent leadership were elucidated. The challenges and solutions in promoting diversity and inclusion were also briefed.

Ms. Vinorra Shaker, shared her insights on the Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. Insights into the future of psychology and news related to psychology were provided. Psychology for a digital world was shared, with a brief explanation of cyber psychology and the integration of minds and machines. Some cyber psychological disorders were briefed, and the use of virtual reality for pain management, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, and ER management were discussed. Digital mental health tools were also elaborated.