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Jansons Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Jansons Group, envisioned building a business school that would have a world-class infrastructure and state-of-the-art campus. And it is this vision of Rtn. MPHF. T. S. Natarajan, Chairman of Jansons Group, that transformed itself into Jansons School of Business (JSB) in the year 2002, located near Karumathampatti, on the Coimbatore – Chennai Highway, 16 kms from Coimbatore airport.
JSB is a world-class B-School with a vision “to be a quintessentially practical Business School, developing managers and entrepreneurs who would be game-changers in management and leadership practices”. Our mission is “to enrich the learning experience by questioning assumptions, thinking deeply, and by creating avenues for hands-on enquiry, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, with an aim to serve business and society at large”. We are committed to provide a learning environment of a high order to students in Management Science and transform them to be Competent, Skilful and Professional in serving the industry worldwide. During the last twenty one years of existence in the realm of management higher education, JSB has produced over 1800 managers of high caliber and values, who have been placed in reputed companies in India.

As an AICTE-recognized management school, JSB is affiliated to the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, and offers MBA, Ph.D degrees. The MBA Programme is Internationally Accredited by The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA, and is Nationally Accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. The Ph.D programme is offered through Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. JSB has been accorded Autonomous Status by the University Grants Commission, from the year 2015-2016. In addition to the prescribed syllabi, JSB ensures that the students go out of the portals of the school with a few value-added courses up their sleeve, to face this competitive world with passion, knowledge and zest. Retailing, Supply Chain Management, Data Mining, Business Analytics, among others, are some of the papers in the repertoire of value-added courses. JSB has a well stocked library containing about 18000 books and subscribes to about 78 periodicals. The library also subscribes to EBSCO Database that contains about 1000 online international journals relating to all fields of management. This unique facility helps both the faculty and students access international research outputs and knowledge.

JSB has a good mix of faculty coming both from industry and academics. In addition to the core faculty team, it also has a panel of industry experts coming and teaching specific modules of certain elective courses. The idea is to give a strong theoretical and practical orientation to our students so that they will become market ready the moment they pass out from JSBJSB also arranges a series of Executive Interaction Programme with CEOs and functional heads from the corporate sector.

With a view to ensure a comprehensive digital teaching-learning experience, JSB has in place an all-encompassing Learning Management System (LMS). All the courses at JSB are routed through the LMS, and student evaluations / assessments are done through this digital platform.

It is the dictum of ‘Infinite Learning’ that guides every single activity at JSB – be it learning at classes or doing internships at corporate. Infinite Learning to us means that there is this limitless expanse of knowledge and experience that JSBians must strive to acquire. This will make them sufficiently equipped to take on the corporate territory with confidence.

We, at JSB, firmly believe that every student who leaves our management school must endear himself / herself to the corporate world, and make a mark in their chosen realm of entrepreneurship, as a proud and confident JSBian.